PublicacionesConsequences of caring for the physical health, mental health and subjective well-being of Chilean older adults Posted on 16/03/202416/05/2024 by sociologiaM. Beatriz Fernández, Claudia Miranda-Castillo, Javiera Rosell y M. Soledad HerreraInternational Journal of Care and CaringAbstract: Using a propensity score matching approach, this study evaluates the effect of caring on the physical health, mental health and subjective well-being of Chilean older people. The average treatment effect was not significant in any of the outcomes to physical health. However, older carers – and those who care intensely – were more likely to have depressive and anxious symptomatology and lower life satisfaction than older non-carers. Interventions should consider strategies that favour mental health and avoid caregiver burden, considering the interaction between caring and the challenges of ageing. This could improve the quality of life of carers and those being cared for.Ir a la publicaciónlaunch