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Historical Time and Acceleration. A Constitutive Bond

Felipe Torres

International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity

Understanding the 2022-23 Peruvian uprising

Nicolás Somma, Rodolfo Disi y Rodrigo M. Medel
Social Movement Studies

Consequences of caring for the physical health, mental health and subjective well-being of Chilean older adults

Nicolás Somma, Rodolfo Disi y Rodrigo M. Medel

Social Movement Studies

Mapuche Transitions from Education to Work: Vulnerable Transitions and Unequal Outcomes.

Javier Castillo, Andrew Webb, Andrés Biehl

Journal of Developing Societies

From reciprocity to welfare: Rerum Novarum, Catholicism, and early social security in Latin America

Andrés Biehl, Rodrigo Pérez de Arce

Religion Compass

Contra la libertad. Por qué la ilusión de elegir dañó nuestra convivencia

Andrés Biehl y Germán Vera

Editorial Ariel. Santiago, Chile